Central Heating Engineers Holmes Chapel, Cheshire

Keep your home warm throughout the year

24 years
combined experience

Worcester Bosch
Accredited Installers

Up to 12-year guarantee on new boilers

Achieve proper heating design in your home with a central heating system

Was your home’s heating not installed correctly when you moved in?

The team at Hohm is here for you. We specialise in all things central heating and can help you upgrade your home’s heating and provide you with a more efficient system.

Make sure your home meets building regulations when it comes to central heating by booking a free call with our team of gas engineer experts.

Our central heating services in Cheshire

If you’re experiencing problems such as poor circulation or uneven heating and you want to install a new energy-saving heating system in your home, then our team is here to help.

We’re experts at efficient heating design and can perform a full heat loss survey to see how you can enhance your home’s efficiency.

Whether you’re looking to replace a tired old radiator or install a beautiful designer one as part of a kitchen renovation, we’re the guys for the job.

From smart controls in every room to underfloor heating throughout your home, we do more than just boilers. Our team will design, repair and install your dream heating system, ensuring everything works together to make your home cosy and warm whilst reducing your heating bills.

Learn more about our central heating services by getting in touch today.

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What our clients thought of our central heating services

Here’s what our customers had to say about the central heating services we provide

Upgrade your central heating today

Work with our team of talented engineers to bring your home’s heating into the modern age with an efficient and reliable upgrade.

Frequently asked questions about central heating systems

The cheapest central heating system to run can vary depending on factors such as fuel prices, energy efficiency, insulation quality, and the specific needs of your property. However, in many cases, gas central heating systems tend to be among the most cost-effective options due to the relatively low cost of natural gas compared to other fuel sources like oil or electricity.


Additionally, modern condensing boilers and efficient heating controls can further enhance the cost-effectiveness of gas central heating systems by maximizing energy efficiency. It's always a good idea to compare the long-term costs and efficiency of different heating options before making a decision.

The average cost for central heating installation can vary significantly depending on several factors such as the size of the property, the type of heating system chosen, the complexity of the installation, and local market rates. As of the last update, which was in January 2022, the average cost for installing central heating in a typical UK home ranged from £2,500 to £5,000 or more. This estimate typically includes the cost of the boiler or heating unit, radiators, pipework, and installation labor.
However, it's essential to obtain quotes from reputable heating engineers or companies to get an accurate estimate tailored to your specific requirements and property characteristics. Additionally, consider factors like energy efficiency, warranty, and ongoing maintenance costs when comparing quotes and selecting a central heating system. Prices may have fluctuated, so it's advisable to research current costs in your area for the most accurate information.
Central heating in a house refers to a system that provides heat to multiple rooms or areas within the property from a centralized source. The primary components of a central heating system typically include:
Boiler: This is the central heating unit that generates heat. Boilers commonly use gas, oil, electricity, or renewable energy sources like biomass to heat water, which then circulates through radiators or underfloor heating systems to warm the space.
Radiators or Underfloor Heating: These are the heat emitters that distribute the warmth generated by the boiler throughout the rooms. Radiators are metal panels with fins that radiate heat into the room, while underfloor heating consists of pipes installed beneath the floor surface, which heat the floor and subsequently the room above.
Pipework: Pipes connect the boiler to the radiators or underfloor heating system, allowing hot water to circulate throughout the house.
Thermostat and Controls: A thermostat allows homeowners to set and control the desired temperature within the property. Additional controls, such as timers and thermostatic radiator valves (TRVs), can help optimise energy usage and ensure rooms are heated efficiently.
Central heating systems provide consistent and comfortable heat distribution throughout the house, making them popular for residential properties in colder climates. They offer convenience, energy efficiency, and flexibility in controlling indoor temperatures compared to localised heating methods like space heaters or individual room heating systems.
Whether it's cheaper to have central heating on all the time or to use it only when needed depends on various factors, including the insulation level of your home, the efficiency of your heating system, the cost of energy, and your heating preferences. Here are some considerations:
1. Insulation: Well-insulated homes can retain heat better, reducing the need for continuous heating. If your home is well-insulated, you may find that you can maintain a comfortable temperature with shorter heating periods.
2. Efficiency of Heating System: Modern central heating systems, especially those with condensing boilers and smart controls, can be more efficient when operated continuously at a lower temperature rather than being turned on and off frequently. However, older or less efficient systems may benefit from being used more strategically.
3. Energy Costs: The cost of energy, particularly gas or electricity, plays a significant role in determining the most cost-effective heating strategy. If energy prices are lower during off-peak hours, such as overnight, it may be more economical to run the heating continuously but at a lower setting.
4. Personal Comfort: Some people prefer to maintain a consistent temperature throughout the day, which may necessitate leaving the heating on continuously. Others may be comfortable with fluctuations in temperature and prefer to only heat their home when necessary.
Ultimately, the most cost-effective approach will vary depending on your specific circumstances. It's a good idea to experiment with different heating schedules, monitor energy usage, and consider investing in energy-efficient upgrades like insulation and smart heating controls to optimise comfort and reduce costs. Additionally, seeking advice from heating professionals or energy advisors can help you make informed decisions about your heating strategy.
The future-proofing of your central heating system depends on several factors, including its energy efficiency, compatibility with emerging technologies, and adaptability to future regulations and environmental standards. Here are some considerations for assessing the future-proofing of your central heating:
Energy Efficiency: Investing in a high-efficiency central heating system can help future-proof your home against rising energy costs and evolving regulations aimed at reducing carbon emissions. Look for systems with high energy efficiency ratings and features like condensing boilers, smart controls, and advanced insulation.
Compatibility with Emerging Technologies: Consider whether your central heating system is compatible with emerging technologies such as renewable energy sources (e.g., solar panels, heat pumps) and smart home integration. Choosing a system that can easily integrate with these technologies will increase its longevity and flexibility.

Upgrade your central heating today

Work with our team of talented engineers to bring your home’s heating into the modern age with an efficient and reliable upgrade.

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